125th Anniversary Renovation Project 2012-2014
Construction Begins - Fall of 2012
Drainage issues are addressed
New metal roof begins to be installed
Flat roof is eliminated with new peak
30 foot sections of steel installed
Parking lot expansion underway
Heating and Cooling issues adressed
Old parking lot removed and leveled
Paving over reworked foundation
New exterior posts for front porch prepared
Work crew and new weather resistant posts
Restroom floors replaced
Sanctuary ceiling repaired and painted
Painting project underway
New forced air furnaces and air conditioning
Pews are removed to replace sanctuary carpet
Pews moved to Fellowship Hall
30 year old carpet is removed
New carpeting in place
Pews are returned
Chancel carpeting is replaced
New boiler is delivered
30 year old boiler is removed
New 95% efficiency boiler in place
New cabinets crafted by Randy Yenior are installed
Newly refurbished Sanctuary
Newly refurbished Church Exterior 2014
To God be the glory!